

At the Academy we are passionate about finding ways to help the many students who come to us with the determination and talent to make it as practicing artists, but lacking the financial means to fulfil their potential. We believe that students deserve as much help as possible, so we make a number of bursaries available to our Degree and Pre-Degree students to enable them to study Fine Art.

Some of our bursaries can be applied for at the same time as making your application to study with us, some should be discussed at interview.

If your financial situation changes during study, you should inform our Academic Coordinator as soon as possible so a review can take place and we can do our best to help you.

When applying for a bursary you will need to provide various personal details including proof of income for yourself or the income provider in your household.

You must have accepted an offer to study at the The Art Academy on an undergraduate degree or our Foundation course.

Your household income must be below £40k or £60k where there are a number of dependants in the household.

Our bursaries are for up to 30% of the annual tuition fees.

In all cases an applicant must be able to pay the remainder of the course fees and living costs. The value of the bursary is deducted from the fee amount payable.

If you decide to pay the remainder of the fees termly or by a payment plan, these will be subject to published surcharges. Fees for subsequent years are subject to annual inflationary increases (of not more than 5%), prior to the deduction of the awarded bursary amount.

Academic bursaries are applied for, and allocated on, an annual basis (though it is likely that bursary awards will be honoured over subsequent years of your programme, unless you have a significant change in your financial circumstances).

We want all of our students to do well and there are no ‘performance’ related conditions with the Academic Bursary. However, bursary recipients are required to meet the Academy’s minimum attendance requirement of 80%, adhere to the student charter, regulations and policies. Failure to meet these requirements may result in reduction in, or withdrawal of your bursary offers in subsequent years.

As a recipient of a bursary you agree to allow the Academy to use your work, likeness and name in any promotional activities intended to raise funds for academic bursaries. From time to time, you may also be requested to attend fundraising events, to this end.

The Black Heart Foundation’s goal is to inspire aspiration and remove barriers to achievement for the young people it helps and serves.

We aim to do this in two ways firstly by distributing grants to community initiatives and programmes that provide assistance, encouragement, tutelage, coaching and pastoral care to talented, ambitious and committed young people. The charities that the Foundation supports in the US and UK provide a variety of educational environments for children and young people whose challenges arise for diverse reasons, such as family hardship, socio-economic disadvantage.

Secondly, the Foundation offers bursaries and scholarships through the Black Heart Scholars Programme directly to students to assist them in their educational pursuits. The Black Heart Scholars Programme was created in 2013 and provides gap-funding for young people who would otherwise not be able to achieve their ambitions or potential through Further or Higher Education. To date, the Foundation has provided Scholarships to almost 600 scholars, 80% of whom are from Black, Asian and other Ethnic Minority students and who have studied at over 140 academic institutions.

The Foundation has a 100% pass through rate as the Board fund all of the overheads, this means that every single penny donated to the Foundation goes directly to the people we support.

Find out more here