Safeguarding and Prevent
Our Students’ welfare is our top priority and Art Academy takes its statutory duty and moral responsibility very seriously. As a provider of education to adults and children and young people (on our Easter and Summer Young Artist short courses), we have taken robust measures to protect everyone in our community.
We believe that safeguarding children, young people under eighteen, vulnerable/ protected adults and adults at risk is everyone’s responsibility and concern. Students, tutors, staff, models and visitors have a duty to be alert to possible risks and signs of abuse and act upon this.
Safeguarding concerns may be raised by students, tutors, staff, models and visitors. If you have a concern please contact the Designated Safeguarding Officer. It is important not to delay reporting a safeguarding concern as delays can result in serious harm to the person at risk. Safeguarding concerns should be escalated on the same day that the worry arises.
Darren Nairn, Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO) or call 020 7407 6969
Geof Thompson, Safeguarding contact (SC) – contact in the event of absence of DSO or call 020 7407 6969
The DSO will be contactable during normal office hours (9:00am – 5:00pm) by email, in person or by phone. The DSO can be contacted in an emergency outside of these times (i.e extended independent studio times as published in the student handbook) via the Evening and Weekend Duty Officers on 020 7407 6969.
Safeguarding Procedures & Guidance
Safeguarding Information for Visitors
Prevent Duty
The Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 introduced a new statutory duty for higher education institutions to have “due regard to the need to prevent individuals from being drawn into terrorism”. This means that institutions have a statutory duty to engage with the Government’s Prevent Agenda. The Government has published guidance setting out what steps higher education institutions are expected to take to meet this duty.
Radicalisation of a child or an adult at risk under Care Act 2014 is a form of abuse.
ACT Early provides guidance for loved ones who are concerned about a friend or family member who may be vulnerable to radicalisation. The website offers advice around online safety and signs of radicalisation.