Printmaking: Mixed Media in Contemporary Print Practice


COURSE DATES: Mondays, 16th September - 25th November 2024

TUTOR: Temsuyanger Longkumer

DAYS: 10

TIMES: 10:30am – 4:30pm

EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Ages 18+, All Levels

FEE: £675

LOCATION: Bankside Campus, 185 Park Street, SE1 9SH

This course focuses on experimenting with a combination of traditional printmaking techniques including simple block-print, etching, collagraph and mono-print to develop a print or series of prints. Printmaking both complements and brings perspective to other areas of creative practice. Many printmaking techniques involve drawing in its many forms and the techniques taught on this course will bring a new perspective and enjoyment to this fundamental artist’s skill. This course is ideal for artist practitioners working in any medium who would like to gain an understanding of print techniques and re-engage with the drawn mark. 

Students will be able to: 

  • Use printmaking tools and equipment correctly and safely. 
  • Create images using experimental combinations of printmaking techniques.
  • Apply graphic mark making, intaglio and block print techniques in the creation of prints. 
  • Create a final print or series of prints, applying printmaking and editioning techniques. 
  • Research, plan and complete a self initiated project
  • Apply safe working practices at all times.

This course is part of our Elective Skills Workshop series. You will be studying alongside students from our pre-degree and degree programmes. Check out the Elective Skills Workshops currently available.


Recommend booking by: September 2, 2024

All Levels

All attendees must be aged 18 and over.

This course is suitable for all levels. Students can move at their own pace depending on their experience, with as much support from the Tutor as they wish. This means an student from the following experience levels can join this course:


Choose a Beginners course if you are looking for a broad introduction to the medium you are studying. Our Beginner courses are suitable for students with no prior experience.

Beginner +

Choose a Beginner + course if you are looking to hone your skills, focus on a specific subject area and build your confidence. These courses are suitable for those with some basic skills in and knowledge of the taught medium.


Our Intermediate courses are suitable for students who have considerable prior knowledge of the taught medium or have completed a Beginners/Beginners + course with the Art Academy.


Choose our Advanced courses if you have considerable knowledge in the taught medium. You are expected to be able to work independently and have critical discussions around your work.


There is a materials fee for this course which must be paid the first week of term. This fee includes plates/blocks, paper, inks, chemicals, grounds and all printmaking sundries. The cost of materials for the course is £40 per student. You will be required to buy your own wood/lino/metal for your project in the latter part of the course and if your project is large scale or beyond the normal scope of the workshop’s provision you may also need to purchase your own paper and other media etc.

Temsüyanger Longkumer is a London-based interdisciplinary artist working in media including drawing, installations, printmaking, and time-based art. His work explores subjects ranging from the flux of contemporary culture and politics to ideas conceived serendipitously.

Temsü has an MA in Printmaking from the Royal College of Art. His work has been widely exhibited, featuring prominently at prestigious events such as the Venice Biennale, Kochi Biennale, and Singapore Biennale. His pieces have also been hosted by notable institutions including the Museum der Kulturen in Switzerland, the India International Centre in New Delhi, Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford, and the Horniman Museum in London, where one of his sculptures resides in their permanent collection.

Recognized with multiple international awards and scholarships, Temsü has undertaken residencies at esteemed institutions, including the Fondazione Pistoletto in Italy, Lalit Kala Akademi in India, Pepperton UK in London, Cite International Des Arts in Paris, and the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in Cambridge.

Temsü also works at Paupers Press, a fine art print and publishing studio that collaborate with many leading contemporary artists such as Bill Viola, Brian Eno, Cornelia Parker, Damien Hirst, Glenn Brown, Grayson Berry, Jake and Dinos Chapman, Paula Rego, Peter Blake and Rachel Whiteread. 

Bankside Campus

185 Park Street,London SE1 9SH

tel: +44 (0) 207407 6969

This is our new purpose built accessible campus. Find more information here

Nearest Tube/ Rail: London Bridge or Southwark (both a 5 minute walk).

Please note that London Bridge has two exits, the most direct route is to follow signs to “Borough Market”.



Students are welcome to use our Common Room during break times, where you can prepare hot drinks and/or food.

You are also welcome to make tea or coffee.

Terms and Conditions

  • By booking onto one of our courses you agree to our Short Courses Terms and Conditions.
  • You will need to have paid in full before the first session of your class. Your place is not guaranteed until we have received full payment. Please book early in order to guarantee your place on the course.

Materials & Equipment

  • If you purchased a pack online this will be given to you on the first session of your course upon your arrival. Packs can be booked on our Materials Page or on this page when you book the course
  • Please don’t wear your best clothes as there is always a chance you will get messy. If possible bring an apron or overalls.
  • All artwork at the Academy MUST be taken home at the end of each session where possible, with the exception of oil paintings and sculpture works.
  • We cannot store materials at the Academy, so please take these to and from your sessions.
  • Please ensure that your mobile phone is switched off or is on silent during the class.
  • Health and Safety Guidelines will be provided to you a week before the start of your course.

Concessions and Discounts

We offer a number of concessions and discounts, please find more information on what we offer here.

Gift Vouchers

If you would like to purchase a gift voucher to be used on our courses then you can purchase these here.


Printmaking: Temsuyanger-Longkumer-32.Nest-study-I-Medium-Etching

Image/ Temsuyanger Longkumer: 32.Nest study I Medium Etching